Continuing care post surgery
No matter what type of surgery you choose to have, you can always rely on our staff to support you right through to the end of your journey.
We like to see you at the time of suture and/or drain removal, and often we like to see you 3 to 6 months after your surgery to see how your scars are progressing. In the unlikely event that you develop wound issues, we will see you as often as needed to achieve a satisfactory result.
If you have any concerns in the immediate post-operative period, you can always call our rooms to talk to our nurse.
Scarring is often a concern for our patients, and we have several different products available to help with the development of the best scar possible for you.
The key to a smooth recovery from this surgery is the use of ice packs, preferably frozen peas. If you apply the peas to both eyes for 20 minutes of each hour for the day you are operated on, and the day after, bruising, swelling and pain will be greatly decreased. We ask that you avoid any activity that increases your blood pressure for the first 2 weeks, and that you sleep on extra pillows for the first week. We suggest that you clean the wound with cotton buds dipped in salty water 3 to 4 times a day for the first week, and apply antibiotic eye ointment. Using eye drops to moisten the eyes throughout the day is recommended, as well as sunglasses for outdoors.
Breast Reduction
We like you to take it easy for a week, sleeping in an elevated position, and not doing any physical activity for a week. You can shower after the first 48 hours. You will need to wear a post-operative soft bra for 6 weeks. Pain is not usually a major issue with this surgery, and is well managed with prescribed and over-the-counter pain medications. The wounds are taped for support for 2 to 3 weeks, and we recommend the use of Silicon Scar Gel for 3 months after this.
You will return home with your head bandaged and possibly drains. We get you back to the rooms after 48 hours to have these removed, and we fit you with a facial support garment. We ask that you wear this 23 hours a day for the next week, and whenever you are home for 4 weeks.
The use of ice packs is recommended for the first week. A soft diet may be preferred for the first few days.
We ask that you sleep in an elevated position for the first week, and that you take it easy. Activity may be resumed after a week, at a gentle pace.
Pain is not usually an issue with this surgery, and is controlled by Paracetamol.
Skin Lesions
If you have had a skin cancer removed from your face, we recommend that you keep your head elevated on extra pillows at night in bed, and suggest the use of ice packs for 20 minutes of each hour the day of surgery, and the following day. This reduces pain, swelling and bruising. Pain is usually controlled by over the counter pain relievers.
If you have had a graft to your face, we ask that you clean around the edges of the graft with a cotton bud dipped in salty water 3 or 4 times a day, and apply a thin smear of antibiotic ointment.
Facial sutures are usually removed at 7 days. If you have had a graft to your leg, we ask that you rest at all times with your leg elevated except for toilet trips. We will review you 7 days after your procedure.