Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are Dr Kennedy’s qualifications and experience?
A: Dr Kennedy is both a Cosmetic Surgeon and a Plastic Surgeon. The designation of Plastic Surgeon is reserved for those who have had accredited training in plastic and reconstructive surgery, including the field of cosmetic surgery. This entails an eight year program of post-graduate training supervised by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
Q: What are Dr Wiper’s qualifications and experience?
A: Dr Wiper is a fully qualified Plastic Surgeon, graduating in 2001. He is the head of the Plastic Surgery Department at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. He is a member of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons..
Q: Will I need a referral to see the doctor?
A: Yes. All consultations with either Dr Kennedy or Dr Wiper requires a referral from your GP.
Q: Will my surgery be covered by Private Hospital Insurance?
A: No truly cosmetic procedure is covered by private health insurance. Some procedures such as breast reduction can qualify as reconstructive procedures because of the functional improvement in the patient following surgery. In these cases, private health insurance will assist considerably with hospital costs and a significant proportion of the medical costs.
Q: Will smoking affect my surgery?
A: Yes! Smoking reduces the capacity of blood to carry oxygen and thickens the blood to reduce the flow through small vessels. Decreased circulation affects wound healing. Smokers tend to have a cough which can affect their recovery from general anaesthesia and promote bleeding in the fresh wounds. It is ideal to cease smoking three weeks prior to any cosmetic procedure, but absolutely essential to stop smoking before a facelift and a breast reduction.
Q: How much pain can I expect following surgery?
A: Pain is an individual experience and some patients find that even major procedures are relatively pain free. In general terms, pain from major procedures is controlled in the first forty eight to seventy two hours post-operatively with a mixture of narcotic and simple analgesic. After this, pain relief is usually managed with over the counter analgesic such as Panadol.
Q: Will there be any scarring after my procedure?
A: All surgical incisions will produce a scar. Plastic Surgeons are trained to ‘hide’ these scars in inconspicuous positions and along the lines of normal creases. On close inspection, scars will always be visible, but the aim is to make them inconspicuous at a social distance. In most cases, hypertrophy (or thickening of the scar) can be controlled with the use of silicone gel sheeting plus pressure.
Q: How long will my recovery take?
A: Typical periods off work would be 2-3 weeks for breast reduction and upper eyelid reduction and 3-4 weeks for lower lid reduction and facelift procedures but there can be great variability in the rate of recovery for different people. Some procedures, such as eyelid surgery and facelifting, will produce little pain, but significant visual evidence of surgery which may mean more time off than following more painful procedures such as a breast reduction. Recovery time is dependent upon the pre-existing state of health and fitness. Advice is provided during consultations which should help to minimise the recovery period.
Q: Will I have to stop taking my medications?
A: Asprin should be stopped for three weeks prior to any cosmetic surgery unless your physician has prescribed it for a cardiac or neurological conditions. Vitamin E, glucosamine, fish oil, krill, and ginko should also be stopped three weeks prior to surgery. These compounds have an effect on platelet activity and result in additional bleeding, bruising and wound haematoma.You should stop all natural remedies for 10 days pre-op.

The oral contraceptive pill can result in an increase risk of clots in the legs. For more major procedures, or in patients of higher risk, the pill should be stopped pre-operatively. Please discuss this with your surgeon pre-operatively.

In general, it is important to continue to take any blood pressure medication up to and including the surgical period.

Your specific medications should always be mentioned to your surgeon and discussed prior to surgery.